Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Gallup Indonesia poll , Berita CNN (ternyata berita tidak valid)

Ya.. Gk usah lama" lagi.. Tinggal Liat Aja Beritanya.. yukk simak..

JAKARTA, - Prabowo Subianto dan Joko Widodo yang sekarang bertarung dalam penelitian Gallup Poll Harian (CNN) sebagai preferensi pemilih untuk pemilihan umum, namun, dalam 10-21 Juni Gallup Poll Indonesia (CNN), Prabowo memimpin Joko Widodo 52% menjadi 41% pada persepsi publik siapa yang akan pemenang pada tgl. 9 Juli 2014.

Partai koalisi Prabowo sedikit lebih yakin bahwa calon sesuai perkiraan mereka akan menang pada bulan Juni - 76% mengatakan Habiburokman akan menang - dari Joko Widodo Koalisi Partai adalah tentang peluang Joko Widodo (67%). Apa tips keseimbangan pendapat nasional lebih kuat mendukung Prabowo adalah bahwa, dengan marjin poin sembilan persen, independen bergabung dengan Prabowo koalisi partai di percaya Obama kemungkinan akan menang.

penelitian Gallup Poll Harian Indonesia dari pemilihan presiden selama periode yang sama dengan 10-21 Juni Gallup Poll menunjukkan Prabowo mengalahkan Joko Widodo di antara pemilih terdaftar di Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Lombok, Bali, NTT, Papua dan Maluku Region t, sementara ia mengalahkan Joko Widodo di Daerah Sumatera dan jalur Joko Widodo sebagian di Jawa. Namun demikian, kira-kira setengah dari pemilih di keempat wilayah percaya Prabowo adalah lebih mungkin dari dua untuk menang.

Demikian pula, persepsi Prabowo keterpilihan berdasarkan usia tidak benar-benar sejalan dengan pola dukungan presiden di kelompok yang sama. Penelitian Gallup Poll Harian Indonesia mencakup 10-22 Juni menunjukkan orang dewasa berusia 18 sampai 34 menjadi kelompok pendukung terkuat, memberinya 24 poin atas Joko Widodo, dibandingkan dengan dasi virtual antara Prabowo dan Joko Widodo antara mereka yang berusia 35-54 dan memimpin enam poin untuk Joko Widodo di antara mereka 55 dan lebih tua.

Sementara satu mungkin berharap Amerika yang lebih muda untuk menjadi yang paling idealis tentang kemungkinan calon kulit hitam pertama untuk memenangkan salah satu pihak utama presiden, mereka sebenarnya yang paling mungkin untuk percaya bahwa dia akan menang. Orang dewasa berusia 18 sampai 34 pada dasarnya dibagi antara memilih Prabowo dan Joko Widodo sebagai pemenang kemungkinan: 48% memprediksi Prabowo menang vs 45% untuk Joko Widodo Sebaliknya, mayoritas Indonesia 55 dan lebih tua mengatakan Prabowo akan menang.

Penelitian Gallup Poll Harian Indonesia menunjukkan wanita mendukung Prabowo atas Joko Widodo, 50% sampai 38%, sedangkan pria lebih memilih Joko Widodo ke Prabowo, 48% sampai 42%. Namun demikian, kedua jenis kelamin lebih cenderung percaya Prabowo daripada Joko Widodo akan memenangkan pemilihan.

Bottom Line
Mereka mengatakan persepsi menjadi kenyataan. Pada tahap awal kampanye pemilihan umum, persepsi yang bisa menang bekerja di Prabowo, s mendukung, bahkan di antara generasi tua orang Indonesia yang lebih mungkin untuk mendukung Joko Widodo sebagai presiden.

Metode survei
Hasil didasarkan pada wawancara telepon dengan 1.220 orang dewasa nasional, berusia 18 dan lebih tua, yang dilakukan 10-21 Juni, 2014. Untuk hasil berdasarkan total sampel orang dewasa nasional, dapat dikatakan dengan keyakinan 95% bahwa margin maksimum sampling error ± 4 poin persentase.

Hasil penelitian Gallup Poll Harian Indonesia pada Prabowo-Joko Widodo ras didasarkan pada wawancara telepon dengan 2.536 pemilih terdaftar mewawancarai 10-15 Juni dan 21 Juni 2014.
Wawancara dilakukan dengan responden pada telepon (untuk responden dengan telepon ) dan telepon seluler (untuk responden yang ponsel saja).
Selain sampling error, kata pertanyaan dan kesulitan praktis dalam melakukan survei dapat memperkenalkan kesalahan atau bias yang menjadi temuan jajak pendapat publik


52% mayoritas berpikir Prabowo Will Win, Versus 41% Memilih Joko Widodo
JAKARTA, - Prabowo Subianto dan Joko Widodo yang sekarang sekitar terikat dalam pelacakan Gallup Poll Harian preferensi pemilih untuk pemilihan umum, namun, dalam 10-21 Juni Gallup Poll Indonesia, Prabowo memimpin Joko Widodo 52% menjadi 41% pada persepsi publik siapa yang akan menang di 9 Juli.
Prabowo koalisi partai sedikit lebih yakin bahwa calon sesuai perkiraan mereka akan menang pada bulan Juni - 76% mengatakan Habiburokman akan menang - dari Joko Widodo Koalisi Partai adalah tentang peluang Joko Widodo (67%). Apa tips keseimbangan pendapat nasional lebih kuat mendukung Prabowo adalah bahwa, dengan marjin poin sembilan persen, independen bergabung dengan Prabowo koalisi partai di percaya Obama kemungkinan akan menang.

Pelacakan Gallup Poll Harian Indonesia dari pemilihan presiden selama periode yang sama dengan 10-21 Juni Gallup Poll menunjukkan Prabowo mengalahkan Joko Widodo di antara pemilih yang terdaftar di Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Lombok, Bali, NTT, Papua dan Maluku Region t, sementara ia kasar mengikat Joko Widodo di Region Sumatera dan jalur Joko Widodo oleh margin di Jawa. Namun demikian, kira-kira setengah dari pemilih di keempat wilayah percaya Prabowo adalah lebih mungkin dari dua untuk menang.
Demikian pula, persepsi Prabowo keterpilihan berdasarkan usia tidak benar-benar sejalan dengan pola dukungan presiden di kelompok yang sama. Pelacakan Gallup Poll Harian Indonesia mencakup 10-22 Juni menunjukkan orang dewasa berusia 18 sampai 34 menjadi kelompok pendukung terkuat, memberinya 24 poin atas Joko Widodo, dibandingkan dengan dasi virtual antara Prabowo dan Joko Widodo antara mereka yang berusia 35-54 dan memimpin enam poin untuk Joko Widodo di antara mereka 55 dan lebih tua.Sementara satu mungkin berharap Amerika yang lebih muda untuk menjadi yang paling idealis tentang kemungkinan calon kulit hitam pertama untuk memenangkan salah satu pihak utama presiden, mereka sebenarnya yang paling mungkin untuk percaya bahwa dia akan menang. Orang dewasa berusia 18 sampai 34 pada dasarnya dibagi antara memilih Prabowo dan Joko Widodo sebagai pemenang kemungkinan: 48% memprediksi Prabowo menang vs 45% untuk Joko Widodo Sebaliknya, mayoritas Indonesia 55 dan lebih tua mengatakan Prabowo akan menang.

Pelacakan Gallup Poll Harian Indonesia menunjukkan wanita mendukung Prabowo atas Joko Widodo, 50% sampai 38%, sedangkan pria lebih memilih Joko Widodo ke OPrabowo, 48% sampai 42%. Namun demikian, kedua jenis kelamin lebih cenderung percaya Prabowo daripada Joko Widodo akan memenangkan pemilihan.
Bottom LineMereka mengatakan persepsi menjadi kenyataan. Pada tahap awal kampanye pemilihan umum, persepsi yang bisa menang bekerja di Prabowo, s mendukung, bahkan di antara generasi tua orang Indonesia yang lebih mungkin untuk mendukung Joko Widodo sebagai presiden.
Metode surveiHasil didasarkan pada wawancara telepon dengan 1.220 orang dewasa nasional, berusia 18 dan lebih tua, yang dilakukan 10-21 Juni, 2014. Untuk hasil berdasarkan total sampel orang dewasa nasional, dapat dikatakan dengan keyakinan 95% bahwa margin maksimum sampling error ± 4 poin persentase.Hasil pelacakan Gallup Poll Harian Indonesia pada Prabowo-Joko Widodo ras didasarkan pada wawancara telepon dengan 2.536 pemilih terdaftar mewawancarai 10-15 Juni dan 21 Juni 2014.Wawancara dilakukan dengan responden pada telepon darat (untuk responden dengan telepon darat) dan telepon seluler (untuk responden yang ponsel saja).Selain sampling error, kata pertanyaan dan kesulitan praktis dalam melakukan survei dapat memperkenalkan kesalahan atau bias yang menjadi temuan jajak pendapat publik

^^ Berita Diatas Ditranslate dan dikutip dari ireport.cnn.com

Tapi Gk usah Risau Kawan" sekalian.. Ini bukan Berita yang Dikeluarkan CNN secara Resmi.. Tapi dari Kiriman salah satu pengguna CNN.. : )
Beberapa dari kalian mencari karna masuk di TV One tadi kan.. : )
Santai Aja.. : )

Ini Bukti Ketidak resmian berita tersebut ..

Sekian Dari saya.. Mohon Maaf Kalau Ada Sedikit Kesalahan dalam artikel Ini.. : )

Blackhydra Team

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Owl City - Vanilla Twilight Download Original Video Clip With Lyrics

Title : Owl City - Vanilla Twilight

Artist : Adam Young

Built : January 26, 2010

Ect. : The song was released as the second single from his second studio album Ocean Eyes. "Vanilla Twilight" attained chart placement prior to the release date, following the success of Owl City's previous single "Fireflies".

To My Friends : Ahm. H. (AH)


The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you dear
'Cause I wish you were here

I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly

The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly

I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist deep in thought because when I think of you
I don't feel so alone

I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone
As many times as I blink I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight

When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again

Then I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear

Oh darling, I wish you were here

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Blackhydra Team

Owl City - Deer In The Headlights Download Original Video Clip With Lyrics

Title : Owl City - Deer In The Headlights

Artist : Adam Young

Built : 2009

Ect. : Deer In the Headlights is a track featured on the album All Things Bright and Beautiful.

To My Friends : -

Lyrics :

Met a girl in the parking lot,

And all I did was say hello.

Her pepper spray made it rather hard

For me to walk her home,

But I guess that's the way it goes.

Tell me again was it love at first sight

When I walked by and you caught my eye.

Didn't you know love could shine this bright?

Well smile because you're the deer in the headlights.

Met a girl with a graceful charm,

But when beauty met the beast he froze.

Got the sense I was not her type

By black eye and bloody nose,

But I guess that's the way it goes.

Tell me again was it love at first sight

When I walked by and you caught my eye.

Didn't you know love could shine this bright?

Well smile because you're the deer in the headlights.

It's suffocating to say,

But the female mystique takes my breath away.

So give me a smile or give me a sneer,

'Cause I'm trying to guess here.

Tell me again was it love at first sight

When I walked by and you caught my eye.

Didn't you know love could shine this bright?

I'm sorry I ever tried, deer in the headlights.

Tell me again was it love at first sight

When I walked by and you caught my eye.

Didn't you know love could shine this bright?

If life was a game, you would never play nice.

If love was a beam, you'd be blind in both eyes.

Put your sunglasses on 'cause you're a deer in the headlights.

You're the deer in the headlights.

You're the deer in the headlights.

Download Files :

Source File : youtube/vevo

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Blackhydra Team

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Owl City - Fireflies Download Original Video Clip With Lyrics

Title : Owl City - Fireflies

Artist : Adam Young

Built : 2009

Ect. : Owl City gained mainstream popularity with the 2009 major label debut album Ocean Eyes, which included the quadruple-platinum single "Fireflies". The album was certified Platinum in the United States in April 2010.

To My Friends : A.M.Ziq.S (AZ)

Lyrics :

You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep

'Cause they'd fill the open air
And leave teardrops everywhere
You'd think me rude
But I would just stand and stare

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs
From ten thousand lightning bugs
As they tried to teach me how to dance

A foxtrot above my head
A sock hop beneath my bed
A disco ball is just hanging by a thread

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep

Leave my door open just a crack
(Please take me away from here)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep

To ten million fireflies
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes
I got misty eyes as they said farewell

But I'll know where several are
If my dreams get real bizarre
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems
When I fall asleep

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay
Awake when I'm asleep
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams

Download Files :
Source File : youtube/vevo

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      Frente - Bizarre Love Triangle Download With Lyrics

      Title : Frente - Bizarre Love Triangle

      Artist : Frente

      Built : 1994

      Ect. : "Labour of Love" was re-issued as a CD single with a cover version of New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle" included

      To My Friends : Fir Z. (FZ)

      Lyrics :

      Every time I think of you
      I get a shot right through
      Into a bolt of blue
      It's no problem of mine

      But it's a problem I find
      Living the life that I can't leave behind
      There's no sense in telling me
      The wisdom of a fool won't set you free

      But that's the way that it goes
      And it's what nobody knows
      And every day my confusion grows

      Every time I see you falling
      I get down on my knees and pray
      I'm waiting for the final moment
      You say the words that I can't say

      I feel fine and I feel good
      I feel like I never should
      Whenever I get this way
      I just don't know what to say

      Why can't we be ourselves
      Like we were yesterday
      I'm not sure what this could mean
      I don't think you're what you seem

      I do admit to myself
      That if I hurt someone else
      Then I'll never see
      Just what we're meant to be

      Every time I see you falling
      I get down on my knees and pray
      I'm waiting for the final moment      
      You'll say the words that I can't say

      Download Files :
      Source File : youtube

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          Owl City - To The Sky (Legend of Guardian Sountrack) Download Original Video Clip With Lyrics

          Title : Owl City - To The Sky (Legend of Guardian Sountrack)

          Artist : Adam Young

          Built : September 2010

          Ect. : Sountrack From ; The Owls of Ga'Hoole, Wreck-It Ralph, The Croods and The Smurfs 2.

          To My Friends : Ahm.H (AH), A.M.Ziq.S (AZ)

          Lyrics :

          Shipwreck in a sea of faces 
          There's a dreamy world up there 
          Dear friends in higher places 
          Carry me away from here
          Travel light, let the sun eclipse you 

          'Cause your flight is about to leave 
          And there's more to this brave adventure
           Than you'd ever believe
          Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you 

          Wide eyes will always brighten the blue 
          Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery
           'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high 
          So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind 
          And take to the sky (you take to the sky)
          On the heels of war and wonder 

          There's a stormy world up there 
          You can't whisper above the thunder 
          But you can fly anywhere
          Purple burst of paper birds 

          This picture paints a thousand words 
          So take a breath of myth and mystery
           And don't look back
          Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you 

          Wide eyes will always brighten the blue
           Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery 
          'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high 
          So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind 
          And take to the sky (you take to the sky)
          There's a realm above the trees 

          Where the lost are finally found 
          Touch your feathers to the breeze 
          And leave the ground
          Birds-eye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you 

          Wide eyes will always brighten the blue 
          Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery
           'Cause after all those wings will take you, up so high 
          So bid the forest floor goodbye as you race the wind 
          And take to the sky 
          (You take to the sky) [x2]

          Download Files :
          Source File : youtube/Vevo

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              Owl City - Shooting Star Download Original Video Clip With Lyrics

              Title : Owl City - Shooting Star

              Artist : Adam Young

              Built : 15 May 2012

              Ect. : The EP features four songs off his upcoming album. Young stated that he released the EP because he wanted to give his fans a clear taste of what his upcoming album would sound like

              To My Friends : -


              Close your tired eyes, relax and then 
              Count from 1 to 10 and open them 
              All these heavy thoughts will try to weigh you down 
              But not this time

              Way up in the air, you're finally free 
              And you can stay up there right next to me
               All this gravity will try to pull you down 
              But not this time

              When the sun goes down and the lights burn out 
              Then it's time for you to shine 
              Brighter than a shooting star 
              So shine no matter where you are

              Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light 
              'Cause it's time for you to shine
               Brighter than a shooting star 
              So shine no matter where you are tonight

              Woah-oh, woah-oh, woah-oh

              Brighter than a shooting star
               Shine no matter where you are tonight

              Gaze into my eyes when the fire starts
               And fan the flames so hot it melts our hearts 
              Oh, the pouring rain will try to put it out 
              But not this time

              Let your colors burn and brightly burst 
              Into a million sparks that all disperse 
              And illuminate a world that'll try to bring you down 
              But not this time

              When the sun goes down and the lights burn out 
              Then it's time for you to shine 
              Brighter than a shooting star 
              So shine no matter where you are

              Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light 
              'Cause it's time for you to shine 
              Brighter than a shooting star 
              So shine no matter where you are tonight

              A thousand heart beats beat in time 
              It makes this dark planet come alive 
              So when the lights flicker out tonight 
              You gotta shine

              When the sun goes down and the lights burn out 
              Then it's time for you to shine 
              Brighter than a shooting star 
              So shine no matter where you are

              Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light
               'Cause it's time for you to shine 
              Brighter than a shooting star 
              So shine no matter where you are tonight

              Woah-oh, woah-oh, woah-oh

              Brighter than a shooting star 
              So shine no matter where you are tonight.

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